Our long and close relations with the North Atlantic and Galican fishing fleet and working in the main fishing grounds around the world, allow us to meet any requirements from our customers in an agile and professional way anywhere around the world, thanks to our favourable locations in Spain and Denmark. ​
Along with our position in Vigo, Spain, we have direct access to raw materials such as Redfish, Halibut, Squid, Mackerel, Saithe, Grenadier and Talisman.
Our connections and cooperation partners in South America also allow us to offer Hake, Hoki, King Clip, Brotola, Butterfish and Nototenia.

Our main products are listed below. We will often have an expanded range determined by the season, so please feel free to contact us regarding our products. We will distribute your e-mail to the appropriate person for immediate response or you may contact our office directly.
​​Greenland Halibut
Reinhardtius Hippoglossoides
Catching area: FAO 21
HGT, Block
Frozen at sea
500 gr - 1 kg
1-1,5 kg
1,5-2 kg
Psetta Maxima
600 gr - 1 kg
1-1,5 kg
1,5-2 kg
​Red Fish
Sebastes Mentella / Sebastes Marinus
Catching area: FAO 21/27
Frozen at sea
headed and gutted / Whole round
Gadus Morhua
Catching Area FAO 21/27
Headed and Gutted
Frozen at sea
500 gr - 1 kg
1-1,5 kg
1-2 kg
Loligo Patagonicus / Illex Argentinus
Whole Round
Frozen at sea
Pelagic fish:

Scomber Scombrus
​Clupea Harengus​
Horse Mackerel
Trachurus Trachurus
Blue Whiting
Gadus Poutassou